炭焙鐵觀音 X 基隆溫莎堡肉鬆蔥花卷 三寶堂 SANBAOTEA

肉鬆麵包還是蔥花麵包?小孩子才做選擇! 肉鬆蔥花卷一次滿足!蔥香接地氣、肉鬆撫人心、マヨネーズ滋潤靈魂,還有什麼麵包比這味還濃的台味呢? 炭焙鐵觀音入口,沈穩木質香氣牽起烤過的蔥花,厚實的茶體托著肉鬆的濃郁,溫柔的單寧與マヨネーズ共舞,完全感受到舌面上,那溫暖的擁抱。

我愛鐵觀音 杯杯入喉的藝術品
三寶堂茗茶 堅持傳統工藝
#低咖啡因 #龍眼木炭焙 #SGS檢驗合格
Tieguanyin is heavily roasted and reddish coloured. It's richness and strong taste will elevate you to a state of bliss. Heavy curing, the appearance of this tea is half-curl ball shape, the colour of the loose tea leaves is a jet-black and deep purple colour, the colour of the tea is crystal-clear with amber and bright-red, and the taste has natural orchid flavour and featured “Tieh Kuan Yin after-taste”.