台式馬卡龍gû-lik牛粒 X 阿里山蜜香紅茶

台語稱小西點為gû-lik牛粒或牛力,據傳取自法式點心biscuit à la cuillère(手指餅乾)的尾字發音,再以日語音譯成台語而得。雖然造型與法國Macaron相似,又有台式馬卡龍之稱,但兩者製作原料與口感完全不同,小西點食材主要是雞蛋砂糖和麵粉,Macaron則全以杏仁粉、打發的蛋白糖霜取代。小西點夾餡以奶油霜為主,水分烤乾後會很疏鬆,再來杯阿里山蜜香紅茶就是台式下午茶了。
自然農法 蜜香紅茶 Ali Shan Honey Fragrance Black Tea
The name of the pastry Gû-lik was translated into Taiwanese from the last word of the French pastry on which it is based, the “biscuit à la cuillère”, during the Japanese ruling period. Gû-lik have a taste and texture reminiscent of their European predecessor. They can be discovered sitting on shelves of Taiwanese-style pastry vendors.
Ali Shan Honey-aroma Black Tea
Called "Honey Fragrance" black tea in Taiwan,
An authentic Honey-aroma Black Tea is an amazing tea with great fruity, and sometimes even a slightly acid, complexity, which interacts with the lemon and sugar wonderfully.