三寶堂 講師介紹 汪張立

三寶堂 二代目 汪張立
於2004年取得加拿⼤英屬哥倫比亞⼤學企業管理碩⼠學位,並在此期間擔任富⼠醫療器北美分公司⾏銷經理⼀職。在⾏銷企劃、展覽規劃、業務銷售訓練及物流管理等領域積累了豐富的實務經驗,為其後來 的事業奠定了堅實基礎。
2006年返台後,汪張立秉持著推廣台灣茶⽂化的熱忱,結合新型態的餐 飲理念,創立了「兄妹麵館珈琲」。他以創新思維將傳統茶飲⽂化帶入 餐桌,推出精品茶飲 葡萄酒搭配中⻄⽇式餐點的全新模式。此舉成為業 界焦點,吸引媒體廣泛報導,然⽽在經營八年後,汪張立決定結束餐廳 事業,專注於家族茶葉事業的發展。
⾃2015年起,汪張立接任三寶堂⼆代⽬,專注於推動台灣茶的國際化,積極拓展⾄歐美、⽇本及東南亞市場。與國際連鎖飯店、米其林餐廳及 跨國茶飲品牌建立緊密合作關係,並持續創新推動台灣茶與葡萄酒、⽇ 本酒等跨界合作,定期舉辦品飲交流活動,為台灣茶⽂化賦予全新風貌。
2016年獲得⽇本SSI國際唎酒師資格,並於2017年通過ITMA國際侍茶師認證。2019年,他師承⽇本茶道表千家不⽩流的佐藤宗翠,進⼀步深耕 ⽂化修練。
2020年,因應全球疫情挑戰,積極布局電商通路,讓台灣精品茶得以進 入全球茶葉愛好者的⽇常⽣活。憑藉創新思維與積極態度,他成功將三 寶堂的茶葉產品推向國際市場,並成為各⼤網購平台的熱銷商品。
2024年,取得SSI國際酒匠資格,致⼒於將系統化品飲結合其對台灣茶學 與⽇本茶道的專業,開創更廣闊的未來視野。
Mr. Changli Wang obtained his Master's degree in Business Administration in 2004. During this time, he served as Marketing Manager at Fuji Medical Instruments' North American branch, where he gained substantial experience in marketing strategy, exhibition planning, sales training, and logistics management, providing a solid foundation for his future endeavours.
After returning to Taiwan in 2006, Mr. Wang pursued his passion for promoting Taiwanese tea culture by combining it with a modern dining concept. He founded "Xiongmei Noodles and Coffee," where he innovatively introduced premium tea as an accompaniment to meals, transitioning tea from a traditional ceremonial role to a sophisticated element of fine dining. This initiative garnered significant media attention, becoming a rising star in the industry. However, after eight successful years, Mr. Wang decided to close the restaurant and refocus on his family's tea business.
In 2015, Mr. Wang became the second-generation head of Sanpotea, concentrating on internationalising Taiwanese tea and expanding into markets in Europe, the United States, Japan, and Southeast Asia. He has established strategic partnerships with international hotel chains, Michelin-starred restaurants, and global tea beverage brands. Mr. Wang is also known for his innovative cross-industry collaborations, regularly hosting tea and wine pairing events featuring Taiwanese tea alongside fine wines and sake, offering a fresh perspective on Taiwan's tea culture.
Mr. Wang has continually pursued professional development. In 2015, he earned a certification in Tea Sensory Evaluation from National Taiwan University, followed by the title of International Sake Sommelier from the SSI in Japan in 2016, and certification as an ITMA-certified Tea Master in 2017. In 2019, he undertook rigorous cultural training under the tutelage of Sōsui Satō of the Omotesenke Fushinryu school of Japanese tea ceremony.
In response to the global pandemic in 2020, Mr. Wang pivoted towards e-commerce, making Taiwanese premium tea more accessible to tea enthusiasts worldwide. Through his proactive and innovative approach, he successfully expanded Sanpotea’s presence in international markets, where their products have become best-sellers on major online platforms.
In 2024, Mr. Wang earned the International Sommelier title from the SSI and is dedicated to integrating his extensive knowledge of Taiwanese tea and Japanese tea ceremony with systematic tasting methodologies, further broadening the horizons for Taiwanese tea culture.