台灣刈包 X 阿里山 蜜香烏龍紅茶 三寶堂 SANBAOTEA

刈包(Koah-Pau)臺灣漢堡是相當受歡迎的台灣小吃,光是拿在手上聞著那股溫暖誘人的香氣,麵皮,滷肉,酸菜與花生粉,四種食材既獨立又融合的滋味,若不快大口咬下,怎能填滿此刻身心靈的空虛。 酸菜的酸勁,可以解滷肉的膩,花生粉則負責提味,麵皮則必須鬆軟又有咬勁。刈包又俗稱:「虎咬豬(hóo-kā-ti),取其麵皮夾肉的形狀,像是老虎銜豬」「刈」意指「割」,以前的麵皮要用小刀割開,以便夾入的料。刈包的由來有多種說法,其中與「尾牙吃刈包」有關的最討喜,例如,把一年所說錯的話,做錯的事,一併包捲吞下也有象徵發財賺大錢,因為包夾的麵皮有如錢包的形狀。#經食嚥證明刈包可有效降低飢餓感。
Koah-Pau pairing with Alishan honey-aroma black tea.
Koah-Pau, Taiwanese burger, The meat-filled Taiwanese traditional snack, Koah-Pau is also called "hóo-kā-ti" (tiger bites pig) because it looks like the jaw of a tiger biting a piece of pork.
The Taiwanese eat Koah-Pau at the end of the year to signify eating up all the misfortunes from the past year and leaving a clean plate for good things to come.
Alishan Honey-aroma Black Tea
An authentic Honey-aroma Black Tea is an amazing tea with great fruity, and sometimes even a slightly acid, complexity, which interacts with the coriander and peanut powder wonderfully.
#三寶堂 #台灣小吃配台灣茶 #tea_pairing #Taiwan #black_tea

刈包(Koah-Pau)臺灣漢堡是相當受歡迎的台灣小吃,光是拿在手上聞著那股溫暖誘人的香氣,麵皮,滷肉,酸菜與花生粉,四種食材既獨立又融合的滋味,若不快大口咬下,怎能填滿此刻身心靈的空虛。 酸菜的酸勁,可以解滷肉的膩,花生粉則負責提味,麵皮則必須鬆軟又有咬勁。刈包又俗稱:「虎咬豬(hóo-kā-ti),取其麵皮夾肉的形狀,像是老虎銜豬」「刈」意指「割」,以前的麵皮要用小刀割開,以便夾入的料。刈包的由來有多種說法,其中與「尾牙吃刈包」有關的最討喜,例如,把一年所說錯的話,做錯的事,一併包捲吞下也有象徵發財賺大錢,因為包夾的麵皮有如錢包的形狀。#經食嚥證明刈包可有效降低飢餓感。
Koah-Pau pairing with Alishan honey-aroma black tea.
Koah-Pau, Taiwanese burger, The meat-filled Taiwanese traditional snack, Koah-Pau is also called "hóo-kā-ti" (tiger bites pig) because it looks like the jaw of a tiger biting a piece of pork.
The Taiwanese eat Koah-Pau at the end of the year to signify eating up all the misfortunes from the past year and leaving a clean plate for good things to come.
Alishan Honey-aroma Black Tea
An authentic Honey-aroma Black Tea is an amazing tea with great fruity, and sometimes even a slightly acid, complexity, which interacts with the coriander and peanut powder wonderfully.
#三寶堂 #台灣小吃配台灣茶 #tea_pairing #Taiwan #black_tea